Friday, January 20

. . . and the happy bright window (to the garage) in the new door! yay! The mudroom went from a weird little dark room to a less weird little brighter room. Nice. And covering where the cabinets used to sit with hardibacker allowed me to cook and eat in the kitchen again without fearing the cooties.


Becca said...

joh--so exciting! the place looks SO different already. is there new flooring under where the stove and sink are or is that area just covered temporarily? i hardly recognized the kitchen and had to look and think for a minute to get my bearings. can't wait to see it in the flesh. way to be a builder!

Jamie said...

oh, what fun! I just spent the weekend in Poky again adn I always kick myself for not knowing how to get hold of you! You should email me and tell me; I dont' even know what area you live in! My dad's new house is scarcely in the area anymore--Equestrian Estates in NW Chubbuck. WE took a nice ride around the river bottoms out by Fort Hall so he could show my girls teh Bison ranch, and we also went into Old Town to show Addie my old elementary and our little duplex on the hill. Next time we simply must find The Smiths!